Notes on a Thesis – Tiphane Riviere

Hello bookish friends,

I’ve started reading a few more different genres of books including poetry and graphic novels. I always like to read graphic novels, but I normally pick up the traditional paperbacks instead whenever I am in a bookstore. Despite this since I acquired a new library card the other day I have been interested in picking up a lot more diverse books. It also helps as I will be a bookseller very soon and need to up my diverse reading.


When Jeanne is accepted on to a PhD course, she is over the moon, brimming with excitement and grand plans – but is the world ready for her masterful analysis of labyrinth motifs in Kafka’s The Trial?

At first Jeanne throws herself into research with great enthusiasm, but as time goes by, it becomes clear that things aren’t quite going according to plan. 

Notes on a Thesis is a reminder of the strangeness of academia, of every awful essay, every disastrous exam, and every insanity-inducing dissertation. If you’ve ever stared gloomily at a blank page, battled with office administrators or driven yourself (and everyone you know) mad by droning on about your work, then Notes on a Thesis will make you laugh (or cry) in recognition.


I loved this book, mainly because I could relate to the study aspect of this book and the stress of University. It’s a very real idea of the struggles and thoughts that go through the mind of a student of any kind. Also, I loved that this book was translated into English, I have been trying to pick up a more translated books recently and this was perfect for that. I connected to this graphic novel on a personal level and I urge anyone that has been through the struggle of University, masters, undergraduate or PhD to pick this book up and watch the student life unfold. The illustrations are also beautiful! I gave this book 5 stars… it was an excellent read.

As always, happy reading xxx

Korie xx

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